Photography is approached as a means of communication. Students immerse themselves in different visual codes, practices, genres and histories of the medium. By means of intensive workshops, self-study, short assignments and longer ambitious projects, each student is expected to develop an authentic visual style. To embed ourseves into the fied of contemporary photography, we regulary visit exhibitions and invite international guest professors.
The photography department is closey connected with several research groups of the academy and acts as regular co-organizer of symposia and exhibitions.
Professionals with an active career in the field will guide you through creative processes:
Bert Danckaert - Geert Goiris - Charlotte Lybeer - Valentijn Peeters - Lukas Verdijk
Photohistory/contemporary photography
Inge Henneman
Photoshop & Phototechnique
Valentijn Peeters - Lukas Verdijk
Guest Teachers & Lectures

Studio visit with Thomas Ruff
Guest Teachers 2019-2020:
Mathieu Bernard-Reymond - Simon Roberts (UK) - Piece of Cake Collective (Network of European Photographers)- BredaPhoto Talent program
Unruly Apparatus Research Project with: Robert Voïta -
Noemie Goudal -
Thomas Ruff - Spiris Hadoujanis -
Peles Empire -
Asta Gröting -
Jochen Lempert
Guest teachers & Lectures 2018-2019:
Federico Clavarino (It) - Nicolas Giraud (Fr) - Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa (US)
Guest teachers & Lectures 2017-2018:
Mariela Sancari (Arg.) - Ron Jude (US) - Vincen Beeckman (B) - Laia Abril (Esp.) - Sadie Murdoch (UK)
+in collaboration with SMAK, Ghent :Thomas Weski (D) - Peter Fraser (UK) - Aglaia Konrad (AT) - Jitka Hanzlová (CZ) - Marc De Blieck (B) - Stephanie Kiwitt (D) - Arne Schmitt (D)
Technical support: Phase One
Guest teachers 2016-2017:
Sjoerd Knibbeler (NL) - Götz Diergarten (D) - Clare Gallagher (N-Ir) - Abel Szalontai (Hu) - Gábor Arion Kudász (Hu) - Pascal Gielen (B) - Simon Roberts (UK) - James Welling (US, in collaboration with SMAK, Ghent) - Alec Soth (US, in collaboration with Fomu, Antwerp)
Technical support: Phase One - Nikon
Guest teachers 2015-2016:
Gregory Halpern (US) - Petrops Efstathiadis (Gr) - Alison Nordström (US) - the Breda Photo team (NL) - Katrin Kamrau (D) - Dominique Somers (B)
Guest teachers 2014-2015:
Max Pinckers (B) - Brian Ulrich (US) - Vincent Delbrouck (B) - Ria Pacquée (B) - Hans Wilschut (NL) - Hans Op de Beeck (B)
Guest teachers 2013-2014:
Matthias Koch (D)- Gabriele Conrath-Scholl (D) - Brian Ulrich (US) - Seba Kurtis (Ar)- Phase One (D) - the Breda Photo team (NL)
Guest teachers 2012-2013:
Peter Bialobrzeski - Charles Freger - Marina Gadonneix - Christian Patterson - Simon Roberts (in collaboration with KASK Ghent) - Jan Blommaert - Steve Schepens - Judith Joy Ross - Peter Granser
Guest teachers 2011-2012:
Andrea Holzherr - the Breda Photo team - Gabriele Conrath-Scholl - Mathieu Bernard-Reymond - Yann Gross - Anders Petersen (in collaboration with KASK Ghent) - Dirk Braeckman - Wim Wauman
Guest teachers 2010-2011:
Boris Becker - Lynne Cohen - Ville Lenkkeri - Moritz Wegwerth - Jasper De Beijer - Ben Van den Berghe & Glenn Geerinck
Guest teachers 2008-2010:
Beat Streuli - Lynne Cohen - Friederike Von Rauch- Charlott Markus - David Claerbout - Peter Bialobrzeski - Els Vanden Meersch - Rob Hornstra - Florian Schwarz
Exchange programme
Next to our Erasmus programme for intra-European exchange, the photography dpt. of the Antwerp Academy has a close collaboration with the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (Kanton, China). From 2012 on students-exchange works in both directions.
From 2019 on exchanges are possible with our partner ISA, Universidad de las Artes in Havana, Cuba.

GAFA, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China

ISA, Universidad de las Artes, Havana, Cuba

The photography dpt. of the Antwerp Art Academy works in close collaboration with the Antwerp Photography Museum in order to organize workshops and lectures.

Bert Danckaert in Ciel Variable (CND), February 2019

World Without Us, Geert Goiris - Lange Zaal, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
(November-December 2018)